Reflecting unconditional love

In the last month, our family and Emmalyn specifically have gone through many changes. It’s crazy how quickly babies grow and change. I’m continually amazed. 

Emmalyn started daycare in the middle of last month and with that and being around lots of new kids, Emmalyn has been exposed to lots of new germs. She’s been fighting congestion for a month and this week started medicine for sinus infection. 

Seeing her struggle with pain and not feeling good has been tough on this mama’s heart. 

It has me calling my mom multiple times a day for tips, advice and just to vent. I feel like I can relate to my mom more than before. I understand the pain, sadness and struggles she felt when my brother and I had pains, sadness and struggles. 

I love Emmalyn more than I can put into words. I went through more than 24 hours of labor to bring her into this world and she did not make it easy on me. Yet, when I look at her, I’d do it a hundred times over as long as it meant she arrived here safely like she did. 

When she’s having a rough time and screaming from being uncomfortable or in pain or I don’t even know what because I don’t understand baby, I just wish I could take her pain away and give her only peace, comfort and joy. 

My brother and I were not always easy on my mom either. We caused her worries, stresses, annoyances and pains, but I now understand how deeply my mom loves us regardless of all that. Her love is never ending. We could never lose her love even if she is mad or disappointed in us. 

It’s how I feel about Emmalyn. 

It’s also how God feels about us. He wants us to call on Him every day like I do my mom for tips, advice and just to vent. He feels our pains, sadness and struggles. He’d go through His own pain for us to give us life. He offered Himself on the cross for our chance at redemption. We may disappoint Him, but He only wants peace, comfort and joy for us. 

Having Emmalyn has changed my perspective on so many things in life and has allowed me to understand my parents’ and God’s love for me.

I’m grateful for the love of my parents reflecting the love of the Lord to me, and I pray I can offer Emmalyn that feeling of unconditional love and mirror the love of our Lord to her.

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